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Bundesminister Dobrindt startet operationelle Phase beim Deutschen Wetterdienst

The ICOS Germany Annual Meeting 2016 was held at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research in Kiel from 18th to 20th May 2016. Participants from Germany’s atmospheric, ecosystem and ocean monitoring stations and from the two Central Laboratories of ICOS, as well as representatives of the…

Participants of the ICOS Germany Annual Meeting 2016 in Kiel

Die Europäische Kommission hat heute offiziell das „Integrated Carbon Observation System“ (ICOS ERIC), eine neue europäische Umweltforschungs-Infrastruktur, ins Leben gerufen.

According to a new scientific study published in “Forest Ecology and Management”, the unmanaged, old-growth beech forest at Hainich National Park (ICOS Ecosystem Station) has a similar annual net carbon uptake as a nearby even-aged beech forest which is managed in such a way as to maximise wood…

An International Marine and Atmospheric Science Symposium, jointly organized by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel and the Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas was held in Mindelo, Cabo Verde on May 20-22, 2015 to commemorate 10 years of cooperation between the two…

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