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Hohenpeißenberg HPB

47°48' N  /  11°01' E

Altitude: 934 m a.s.l.

Tower height: 149 m

Measurements of CO2 and CH4 are taken on the Hohenpeissenberg measurement tower at three heights (50 m, 93 m, 131 m). With a measurement duration of 5 minutes for each height, four vertical profiles are completed in one hour and quality controlled in real time.

Vorläufige aktuelle Konzentrationen der Klimagase CO2 und CH4 an der ICOS Messstation 'Hohenpeißenberg'. Um 07:00 und 19:00 Uhr UTC werden täglich für die Qualitätssicherung Prüfgase gemessen, zweimal monatlich zusätzlich für mehrere Stunden drei unterschiedliche Referenzgase. (© DWD)

Preliminary CO2 and CH4 concentration measured continuously at the ICOS station Hohenpeissenberg (measurement of test gases for quality assurance take place every 7 hours and additionally for calibration twice per month).

Measurements of CO2 and CH4 are performed by a Picarro G2301 analyser using cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS). N2O and CO are measured by Los Gatos analysers (LGR-30-EP).

Furthermore, we monitor the two parameters radon and 14C. (14C Analysis is done by Radiocarbon Lab Heidelberg ).

Radon provides useful information about the vertical mixing of the atmosphere, which helps to improve inverse modelling. The 14C isotope is an indicator of the proportion of fossil fuels in CO2.

The meteorological parameters are measured at all three heights using the following instruments:

Air temperature and humidity: Vaisala HMP155
Wind direction and speed: Thies Ultrasonic Anemometer 2D
Precipitation: Eigenbrodt RS85
Air pressure: Vaisala PTB330
Global irradiance Kipp & Zonen CMP11

These data are continuously provided with a time resolution of 1 minute. Data can be downloaded from the ICOS Carbon Portal:
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